A Spotlight on mini-digger aided landscape design

07 October 2014

Selecting a mini-digger that’s sized to work within the confines of any garden doesn’t require complex planning. Opt for a digger that’s narrow enough to slot through standard residential gateways, and back up this purchase choice with an evaluation of the property before hauling the digger to the work area on a heavy-duty trailer. A little evaluation and bond-building with the property owner will avoid wasted trips. Of course, we can get the dimensions of the property remotely from the land owner, but the professional approach typically necessitates the recording of those measurements during the evaluation. It’s just a matter of good practice, the claiming of responsibility for every step of the work.

Unload the trailer, slipping the mini-digger to the ground, and direct it to a space that’s been cleared of waste. The chosen space must be relatively flat, and it must possess a large enough surface area to contain the small footprint of the digger. Finish up by unloading any accessories, the 4-in-1 bucket, landscaping tools, and take the first real step away from this initial prep work.

The mini-digger is smaller than its larger cousins but it’s still a potentially dangerous machine. If a worker is qualified to work diggers that’s all fine and good. Otherwise, if the machine lacks a dedicated driver, familiarization with its operation before beginning each job is just common sense and good safety practice. Climb in, checking for damage or loose parts. Inspect the controls and test safety systems. The brakes and joystick control should be responsive to the touch, and the small vehicle must always sit stably on the work site. Compact diggers are famed for being able to climb any graded surface, but they can overturn. Take the digger for a run around the garden, checking for obstacles and tagging possible points where stability is compromised.

Now is the time to get to work. The angle of attack taken in a digging project involves splitting the layers of ground into workable tiers. The initial work might begin by grading the land, leveling sections and carving out the raw shape of the garden. Post holes are then dug, and ditches sliced into the land to provide an earthen conduit for pipes that run to sprinkler systems and plumbing fixtures. The boundary of the land gains definition. The bucket is swapped out for another attachment designed to clear stumps and large rocks. The end result is the underpinnings of a functional garden, the primitive shape and landscaped features that underlay an attractive backyard. The versatility of the digger enables the scooping action of the bucket to precisely reach any point of the garden from any angle, and this one feature of the little digger pays for its purchase in spades (Pun intended).

Delivering maximum performance in claustrophobic spaces, mini-diggers power through obstacles, digging swimming pools and clearing or grading land. Additionally, the small excavators can be rented for that weekend warrior project, and they’re repeatedly targeted for purchase by novice landscaping businesses.

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