Excavators and Earthmoving Contractors: Why Should They Follow OH&S Standards

28 February 2020

Projects that require excavation and earthmoving activities require some equipment and machines to get the job done. Digging and moving debris from one place to another may look easy, but the amount of work that is required in finishing the tasks is not that easy. In fact, contractors who are working on these activities are facing great risks all the time.

Contractors have the responsibility to do the excavation and earthmoving activities with the highest quality possible. Moreover, they have to keep both themselves and the surrounding environment safe from any danger or harm. With these responsibilities, it is vital that professional contractors follow occupational health and safety (OH&S) standards as stated by the authorities. 

Safety is at Risk

Excavators and earthmoving contractors have to follow OH&S standards since their lives are at risk every time they work on their tasks. Some employers tend to ignore these standards by cutting some corners and letting employees work without proper training. Without following these standards, numerous employees would surely get into accidents that may cause serious injuries or even death.

Injuries are Costly

Employers have the responsibility to pay for their employees for rendering work. Moreover, they also have to cover insurance policies and other health-related expenses of their employees. Skipping insurance policies would only cost an employee more expenses compared to just covering the employees’ policy costs before.

Following OH&S standards can minimise injuries among employees. Subsequently, the cost of paying employees while they are out of work due to injury or illness will continuously grow. Replacing injured workers may be an option, but it can drastically affect the excavation and earthmoving project as investigations may start on the way.

Productivity is Present

Following OH&S standards on excavation and earthmoving activities can enhance productivity on the working site. If the employees feel that their working environment is safe for work, their morale will be boosted. They don’t have to constantly worry about getting injured or dying since the working site follows certain safety measures. They also know what to do in any given situation since proper training has been provided to them thoroughly. Through OH&S standards, all employees are ensured of a safe and healthy working environment.

Legal Liabilities are Prevented

Employers who follow OH&S standards can avoid any legal liabilities from committing work violations. These violations come out whenever there are workers who get injured or are figured in work-related malpractices. An unsafe excavation and earthmoving working environment will only attract accidents and incidents that may not only delay the project but can also cost a company a few steps from closing down. Excavators and earthmoving contractors must follow OH&S standards so that their employees can work safely on site. Moreover, these standards will help them avoid any lawsuits filed against them by their own employees. To know how excavators and earthmoving contractors work, it would be best for you to contact us at Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers.

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