Hiring Professional Excavators: Are They Following OH&S Standards?

25 February 2019

Any work requiring the moving of soil with heavy equipment is serious business, requiring the hiring of professional excavators that follow OH&S safety standards. Whether it is large excavators or mini excavators, the main focus of work being done should always be on health and safety first.

The importance of health and safety when moving soil, or during excavation work using heavy equipment, cannot be over emphasised enough. In this regard, it is advised to always hire experienced excavators, as they can avoid many unintentional mistakes and damages to underground services, such as piping and wiring. These are common mistakes that excavators make that have little experience or who do not follow OH&S Standards.

Importance of Following OH&S Standards for Professional Excavators

Whether it is digging fence posts, excavating large holes for swimming pools, leveling soil for driveway preparations, digging trenches, removing tree stumps, or any other earth moving work, it is important to make sure that you hire professional excavators who follow OH&S standards. While mini diggers are ideal for all type of excavation work, there should be no room for errors while operating them.

This is why following OH&S standards is so important because it can prevent accidents from occurring. Basically, when operating heavy equipment such as mini excavators, there should be no room for errors. When safety standards are not followed properly, it can result in the delay of a project, damage to property and equipment, and personal bodily injury.

The accidents that can be avoided by simply following OH&S standards are listed below:

Damage to utilities – when excavator operators are not properly trained in following OH&S standards, it drastically increases the risk of damaging underground utilities if they dig in the wrong places. This can lead to large repair bills, physical harm, and in certain cases fines.

Excavators can tip over – when improperly positioned, and when operating with a heavy load, mini diggers can tip over and cause potentially fatal injuries. This can be avoided when excavation operators are properly trained to operating heavy equipment safely, and by following OH&S standards.

If you want to make sure that you hire professional excavators that strictly follow OH&S Standards, then hire mini diggers from Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers. We understand the value of occupational health and safety standards and diligently work to maintain OH&S standards on every project we work on.

When you hire our mini diggers, you can be assured that our operators are licensed, wear proper safety clothing at all times, and have their Red Card. For more information about our rates and services, please feel free to contact us here at Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers.

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