Mini auger operations

03 December 2014

These days, a shovel is the easiest and most available tool you can find to dig a hole in the ground. However, digging or boring a hole using a shovel is a lot of hard work, unless you are used to working with a shovel regularly, then pain and fatigue will be your companions while you excavate. It is really a hard work. And all you are guaranteed to accomplish is a good sweat, and sore muscles.

Is there a better way to dig a hole?

Is there a better way to dig a hole in the ground? Thankfully, yes, there is. As technology rises, there are more and more tools and equipments being invented year after year. For digging or boring holes, mechanized mini auger operations make digging work incredibly easier than by hand using a shovel.

What is an auger?

An auger is simply a large drill bit or screw used to drill and dig deep into the ground. It is a spiral shaped cylindrical tool made of metal, and comes in various shapes, lengths and sizes, depending on the type of ground and the depth of the needed hole. Augers can pull out a large amount of dirt, rock and gravel from the ground, which would take dozens of men days to accomplish using only shovels. What does this mean? It means that you save a lot of man hours and vital time digging holes in the earth, which gives you more time and money for other aspects of your project.

Saves time and money

The most basic kind of auger you can find is a hand auger wherein you have to spin and crank it manually, with both your hands, which requires a strong man to operate effectively. This is tiring too, although much easier than using a shovel. Is there something better than this? Yes, there is. A power auger, it has an engine mounted on top that turns the auger, although it still needs to be held with two hands by a strong man. However, it is an amazing one man operation that gets the work done effectively.

Is there any easier way to dig a large hole? Actually, yes there is! You can hire a professional mini auger operations company like Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers. What do they use to dig holes? They have all the tools, equipment, machines and strong personnel for all kinds of small land moving operations. Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers uses a hydraulic auger and a hydraulic machinery specialist to operate these, and you never have to break a sweat.

Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers can dig holes easily, no matter what kind of ground you have on your property. And, they are affordable.

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