Nature Strips Dig Out: Ask Professional Help from Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers

18 March 2019

The whole idea of nature strips was to provide some colour to streetscapes, and to offer a functional space for parking, services, and to provide greater visibility at intersections. Ideally, nature strips are meant to cool down surrounding areas by providing shade to walkways and roads, while at the same time improve the overall appearance of urban street.

In most cases, nature strips fulfil their intended purposes. However, with the burden of maintenance falling on property owners, alternative solutions are sought. For example, with approval from council, nature strips can be transformed into footpaths or parking spaces. Grass alternatives can also be utilised to lower the cost of maintaining nature strips, as per council landscaping guidelines. For property owners that are interested in a nature strip dig out, it is advised to get some professional help from Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers.

Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers can Help With Your Nature Strips Dig Out Project

If you have ever received a notice from council asking you to mow or maintain your nature strip, or you don’t want to spend money constantly maintaining it because the nature strip will be used or destroyed by others, then you may want to seriously consider a nature strip dig out.

If you want to change your nature strip, it is advised to get professional help because there are many rules and requirements that need to be followed. For example, items that are not permitted on your nature strip include letterboxes, synthetic turf/grass, irrigation pipes, rocks, and anything that would impede or obstruct the vision of pedestrian and traffic.

Professionals specialising in nature strip dig outs can help you transform your area into a useful and low maintenance space, by utilising permitted alternative solutions, such as gravels that can create attractive nature strip footpaths, which can also be used for parking and services access.

At Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers, we understand that many residents prefer nature strips that do not require regular maintenance, such as mowing. Instead, property owners want low maintenance nature strips that they can actually utilise to their benefit. In this regard, nature strips with footpaths is the solution because gravel is a permitted alternative to grass.

A nature strip dig out uses conforming gravel products that can create a safe, open space that can be used for foot traffic, parking, services access, and that is wheelchair accessible. Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers can also conduct nature strip dig outs for tradespeople who need to access underground pipes and utilities.

For more information about nature strip dig outs, contact Dirt Cheap Mini Diggers.

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