Reasons Why Mini Diggers’ Hydraulics Function Accurately for Narrow Access Entries

12 October 2018

They might be smaller than their large-scale cousins, but mini diggers compensate for this slight by demonstrating a knack for accurately navigating narrow-access site approaches. What would be an obstacle course for a full-sized excavator, might as well be a trip down an easily negotiated garden path for a smaller mini excavator. Blessed with this easy-to-steer form factor, hydraulic muscle augments their nimble tracks.

Nimble-footed Track Drives

The tracks are covered in high-traction dimples and material extrusions. Alternatively, for working on grass or soft ground, the rubberized belts are smooth and featureless. Behind those scaled-down but surprisingly responsive tracks, a hydraulic drive system operates a series of reciprocating pistons and high-torque drive motors. The hydraulic energy comes directly from the main system reservoir and pumps, or the power is provided by an auxiliary, totally independent drive system. Ideally, the fast RPMs and consistent pressures delivered by the fluid drive parts conclude in a highly responsive control-to-tracking operator experience. As soon as the cab joystick receives a nudge, the mini digger instantly responds by moving in the desired direction.

Equipped with Feedback-assured Steering

This is a feature that’s present to some extent on larger excavators, but certain laws of physics, including inertia and mass/momentum principles, blunt the benefits. On mini diggers, however, which are smaller by definition, the addition of feedback electronics and load sensing devices have much more impact. In fact, instead of a purely hydraulic equipment solution, today’s versatile mini diggers are classed as mobile mechatronic machines. They’re like caterpillar-tracked robots, which are loaded with computer smarts. Solenoids, auxiliary hydraulic drive systems, proportional control joysticks and more, the diminutive excavator frames use fluid feedback and pilot signals to ensure their agile tracks get the vehicle and its bucket attachment through narrow access entry points.

Don’t Forget The Retractable Features

On one end of the little excavator’s chassis, a zero-tail-swing profile allows the busy vehicle to nip between two narrowing walls. Unfortunately, the bucket attachment is still in the way. Short of detaching the attachment, there’s not much that can be done unless the vehicle features a retractable function. With this capability added, a mini digger’s undercarriage can be retracted. Then, knowing the piston-driven arm can extend far, this fitting also retracts to create an even smaller form factor, one that’ll easily pass through a narrow passage without a scratch.

Equipped with mechatronic smarts, responsive mini diggers go where their larger counterparts can’t follow. A hydraulics-facilitated retractable undercarriage augments this size-dependent feature, as does a fluid-retractable bucket attachment. If a lack of threshold-crossing space still obstructs a mobile digger, removable bucket attachments deliver that final spatial boost. Of course, the responsive drive motors and electronic sensors aid the move, with the keen-eyed steersman operating the feature-loaded digger’s joystick.

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